Remember Begetting Maxwell's demon (2012) and The Art of Math (2020)?
This year, the 2024 Wright Conference (Nov 4th - Nov 8th) is all about Symmetry.
And here is the schedule.
mardi 5 novembre 2024
Par taz le mardi 5 novembre 2024, 19:00 - Science
Remember Begetting Maxwell's demon (2012) and The Art of Math (2020)?
This year, the 2024 Wright Conference (Nov 4th - Nov 8th) is all about Symmetry.
And here is the schedule.
mardi 30 janvier 2024
Par taz le mardi 30 janvier 2024, 19:00 - Minute confiture
In our world surrounded by chaos and disorder, randomness drives evolution. But is everything random? No, according to the Jewish tradition. For instance, the shapes of Hebraic letters aren’t random. Quite the opposite actually: letters have been carefully designed.
mardi 2 janvier 2024
Par taz le mardi 2 janvier 2024, 07:00 - Méta
Le Radjaïdjah Blog vous souhaite une excellente année \( \sum_{i=0}^{22} { \sum_{j=0}^{i} j } \) .
jeudi 31 août 2023
Par taz le jeudi 31 août 2023, 19:00 - Économie
The Radjaidjah Blog is proud to present, a directory of curated resources around the Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems.
lundi 31 juillet 2023
Par taz le lundi 31 juillet 2023, 07:00 - Art
The Lion - A voiceover artist is asked to speak like he's seen a lion.
Stalled - A man goes to a public restroom -- and gets trapped in a time paradox.
All the Marbles - A young boy challenges a bully to a game of marbles as precious as gold.
A Guide to Dining Out In Nairobi - A Kenyan man gets a $10 USD tip, then hatches a plan to spend it.
Drawcard - A man draws a penis on a farewell card, then discovers it's the boss's sympathy card.
jeudi 29 juin 2023
Par taz le jeudi 29 juin 2023, 19:00 - Méta
Experimental Shop for future swag.
mercredi 28 juin 2023
Par taz le mercredi 28 juin 2023, 19:00 - Art
The Radjaidjah Blog presents the project, paintings around judaism created through the prism of Artificial Intelligence.
jeudi 6 octobre 2022
Par taz le jeudi 6 octobre 2022, 07:00 - Sport
La Sinquefield Cup 2022 a été remportée par l'ex-Iranien et neo-Français Alireza Firouzja, dans une atmosphère délétère de triche autour d'un joueur.
En parallèle la France remporte également les championnats du monde U8 et U10.
lundi 6 décembre 2021
Par taz le lundi 6 décembre 2021, 19:00 - Philo bistro
Time for a humble present, here are five philosophical short stories.
Isaac Asimov's The Last Question describes the world as a computer, or does it.
Daniel Dennett's Where am I takes Putnam's brain in a vat thought experiment to the next level.
Ursulas Le Guin's The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas is a tale of a city and its inhabitants.
Jorge Luis Borges' Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius is a literary labyrinth with broken paths.
Howard P. Lovecraft's Ex Oblivione is a mellow experience.
vendredi 19 novembre 2021
Par taz le vendredi 19 novembre 2021, 07:00 - Voyages
According to Nick Land, hyperstition is a positive feedback circuit including culture as a component. It can be defined as the experimental (techno-)science of self-fulfilling prophecies. Superstitions are merely false beliefs, but hyperstitions – by their very existence as ideas – function causally to bring about their own reality.
lundi 2 août 2021
Par taz le lundi 2 août 2021, 07:00 - Économie
With Decentralized Finance (DeFi) attracting more and more users as globalization of liquidity empowers protocols to offer higher returns than legacy (TradFi) finance, this draft describes a potential financial business "Hedged Yield Farming as a Service" whose aim is to offer profits to customers by investing funds into high-APY crypto pools or farms in a market-neutral way.
lundi 26 juillet 2021
Par taz le lundi 26 juillet 2021, 07:00 - Jeux
The White Door is the latest game by Rusty Lake. A rabbit hole actually.
vendredi 7 mai 2021
Par taz le vendredi 7 mai 2021, 19:00 - Voyages
The point is, not to resist the flow. You go up when you are supposed to go up. And down when you’re supposed to go down. When you’re supposed to go up find the highest tower and climb to the top. When your are supposed to go down find the deepest well and go down to the bottom. Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (1997)
In Feÿ Castle (Burgundy, France) there is a well, a deep well. One of the kind which makes you realize: it would be a great idea to bury a time capsule at the very bottom.
Living for a few days with the Feÿtopian tribe in the Feÿ Castle is akin to an immersion inside a a strange mix between a digital Kibbutz, Abbaye de Thélème, and Rusty Lake.
Just to illustrate this, the utopian Thelemite motto in Rabelais’ Gargantua Faÿ ce que vouldras (do what you’ll wish) leads to a fringe and tempting theory: the name Feÿ is simply a disguised version of Faÿ, and this very naming is a purposeful indication that it was always in the mind of the founders that this noble castle should at a later stage become a phalanstery.
Living in the Feÿ community brings a number of interrogations, as people do their best to be kind one to eachother.
Great public benefits arise from private virtues but isn’t it true that greater public benefits arise from private vices, as Mandeville described in the Fable of the Bees? Probably this is a question of dimension, of critical size.
On the Feÿ domain stands a beautiful forest. Sometimes the color tone can transition from spring green to viridian. Sometimes it is also easy to get stranded or floored there, however with lysergic power comes lysergic responsibility and collective nurturing helps prevent such fate to happen. Sometimes in the forest the infamous Codex Serafinianus helps to remind why Nature imitates Art. Sometimes in the forest you can see the music of the spheres.
Now it becomes a bit clearer. Individual oscillate in life, and one of the purpose of communities is to enter a collective mode of vibration. In other words, resonance. This is also what religion has been trying to achieve. Religion, seen as a collective hallucination or as a collective realization or as a collective construction (whatever the difference between the three might be).
And here comes the Elephant in the forest.
A group of blind men heard that a strange animal, called an elephant, had been brought to the town, but none of them were aware of its shape and form. Out of curiosity, they said: "We must inspect and know it by touch, of which we are capable". So, they sought it out, and when they found it they groped about it. The first person, whose hand landed on the trunk, said, "This being is like a thick snake". For another one whose hand reached its ear, it seemed like a kind of fan. As for another person, whose hand was upon its leg, said, the elephant is a pillar like a tree-trunk. The blind man who placed his hand upon its side said the elephant, "is a wall". Another who felt its tail, described it as a rope. The last felt its tusk, stating the elephant is that which is hard, smooth and like a spear.
Now it becomes clearer: the concept of extitution is here to enhance the perceptual set of social groups and communities, and therefore to act on them.
If tokens can be considered as bottom-up, extitutional currencies, is a related point to consider.
A challenge of adulthood is: how to move oneself gracefully in the fluid of life? In “The possibility of an Island”, the author quotes Arthur Schopenhauer: "human existence resembles a theatre performance which, begun by living actors, is ended by automatons dressed in the same costumes."
So it might be the case that extitutions offer to transform into life magicians.
In conclusion, after spending a few days in the Feÿ Castle for an extitutional workshop, and acknowledging its spiritual gravity, one can ask: is it an autotelic journey, or is it for higher purposes?
But of course, one can ask the same question for their life: is life autotelic or for higher purposes?
vendredi 19 février 2021
Par taz le vendredi 19 février 2021, 07:00 - Philo bistro
This short entry is not about CCIV but is meant to inform of a real-time dialogue between experimenters and dreamers during REM sleep.
jeudi 4 février 2021
Par taz le jeudi 4 février 2021, 07:00 - Science
Today, the best thing to do is probably to (re-)study Galois theory.
Here is a great online Galois theory course by Richard E. Borcherds (Fields medal).
jeudi 17 décembre 2020
Par taz le jeudi 17 décembre 2020, 19:00 - Jeux
and walks straight up to the bartender who shouts, “Hey pal! You can’t do that! Bishops can only move diagonally!"
For The Queen's Gambit fans, here is a recent game: Daniil Dubov vs Sergei Karjakin, Russian Championship Superfinal 2020, commented by agadmator.
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 Nf6 5. d4 exd4 6. b4 Bb6 7. e5 Ne4 8. Bd5 Nxc3 9. Nxc3 dxc3 10. Bg5 Ne7 11. O-O h6 12. Bh4 O-O 13. Re1 Qe8 14. Bb3 a5 15. Bf6 a4 16. Bc4 Ng6 17. Qd3 d5 18. exd6 Be6 19. Qxg6 fxg6 20. Rxe6 Qf7 21. Bxc3 Kh8 22. Re4 Qf5 23. Re7 Rg8 24. Bxg8 Rxg8 25. dxc7 Qc2 26. Be5 Bxf2+ 27. Kh1 Bb6 28. h3 Kh7 29. Re1 a3 30. Kh2 g5 31. Nd4 Qc4 32. Nf5 Qxb4 33. Rc1 Kg6 34. Rxg7+ Kxf5 35. Rxg8 Bxc7 36. Bxc7 Qb2 37. Rc5+ Ke4 38. Rd8 1-0
vendredi 27 novembre 2020
Par taz le vendredi 27 novembre 2020, 07:00 - Économie
Does Bitcoin really matter?
vendredi 22 mai 2020
Par taz le vendredi 22 mai 2020, 07:00 - Philo bistro
During these challenging C19 times, people stay at home and, as in The Little Prince, drink to forget. Now, because they are at home, no need do dress formally, or better, no need to dress at all.
The Finnish language has a word for that: Kalsarikänni (it describes the specific Scandinavian behavior consisting in absorbing alcoholic beverages in order to of get drunk at home in underwear).
Now, this word is not immediatly translatable, as its meaning is unique to the Finnish language. Any direct linguistic transposition would be lost in translation.
A gamified way to discover such words and expressions is the Sticky Terms application by Philipp Stollenmayer.
Tenants of the weak Sapir-Whorf hypothesis could even argue that untranslatable words from a language embody its spirit.
Now, let's see another facet. What is the common feature shared among the Hebrew words Gevina (cheese), Zechuchith (glass), and Sfarad (Spanish)?
These words appear exactly once in the Tanach (the Bible, to simplify), hence they are difficult to translate.
In linguistics, words appearing with only one occurrence within a corpus (such as the Old Testament, or the literary writings from an author) are called apax legomenon (from ancient Greek άπαξ λεγόμενον, "told once").
Because of its unicity, an apax is somehow a separation, a cut within a text. There is a before, and an after. Like the inverted nuns (׆) in the Torah (Numbers 10:35–36).
The musicologist Wladimir Jankelevitch extends this notion of linguistic apax (single occurence of a peculiar term within a literary corpus) or semantic apax (unique meaning of a term within a peculiar context) to the one of existential apax.
The original essence of this concept is that every moment in a life is an apax. It is a frame, unique, and therefore needs to be enjoyed and cherished.
A variation of the existential apax is that when a once-in-a-lifetime event occurs, it might lead to internal realization and dramatic changes in life. For example, for an individual, the emergence of a disease such as cancer can lead to definitive priority shifting.
But one could also imagine a collective version.
Despite all negative consequences, Covid-19 might arise as a societal apax.
lundi 27 avril 2020
Par taz le lundi 27 avril 2020, 07:00 - Science
These results must be true, because, if they were not true, no one would have the imagination to invent them.
G.H. Hardy on Ramanujan
lundi 24 février 2020
Par taz le lundi 24 février 2020, 07:00 - Minute confiture
Years after Tempest, an epic IT security tale is now three years old.
Source: Malware Lets a Drone Steal Data by Watching a Computer’s Blinking LED.
jeudi 29 novembre 2018
Par taz le jeudi 29 novembre 2018, 19:00 - Art
Is this real life? Is this just fantasy? No, it's Six13's Chanukah tribute to one of the greatest and most epic songs of all time. Ready, Freddie? Kindle the lights, remember the Maccabees, and rock on.
lundi 22 octobre 2018
Par taz le lundi 22 octobre 2018, 07:00 - Jeux
Stacker is a popular arcade game designed and manufactured by LAI games and commercialized by entertainment distribution companies[1]. It is a successor of Claw cranes.
The goal of the game is to align rows of moving blocks on top of each other. A player who can stack eleven rows will win a minor prize, which is usually low in value, sometimes lower in value than the amount of money the player paid to play the game. A player who gets to the top row wins a major prize. The major prize varies from machine but will often include game consoles, cellular phones, and MP3 players.
The gameplay is the following. There is a row of three cubes which move side to side on the screen, at the first row. When the player pushes the start/stop button, the row of squares will stop. Then, another row of three moving squares appears above the previous row, moving faster than the one before it. If the squares do not align directly above the previous set, any overhanging squares will be removed. If the player misses completely, the game is over. The number of available squares is automatically reduced to two, then one, during the game. The goal is to consistently get the squares directly above the previous set, "stacking" them to the minor prize and ultimately major prize levels.
In a typical game, what is observed is the following. The player easily manages to get to the minor prize level, refuses it and carries on. At this point three consecutive successful moves lead to winning a major prize. But from now on, the unit to align with the stack is a single block. Usually if the player is focused enough, he achieves to stack the next block and the penultimate one, however stacking the last one fails by a very small fraction. As a result the player loses his coin. And because he was so close to win, he might want to try again, with the same outcome.
The most interesting part is the last step, the one leading in general to a game loss.
Why does the so far very skilled player lose at the last step? Is it the pressure of winning a phone? The answer is: because the last step is different. It looks the same as the previous ones, but it is not.
Pressing the stop button while the last single block is displayed at the correct position does not necessarily leads to a win. In fact most of the times it leads to a loss, and a posteriori the block is displayed mis-aligned with the stack. Only in certain specific cases a win will be obtained.
LAI Games Stacker operator's manual describe all the internal parameters the owner can set to configure the machine. One of these operators is "P10 = Skill Setting (Major price)", whose description is (Default 8) (Adjustable 1 – 10) This option sets the Skill level for players to reach the Major Prize level, as listed in the table below. As this is a skill game the win rate is only the approximate rate for each difficulty setting. Follows then the corresponding options, with P10 = 1 implying approx 1 win in 20 games, whereas P10 = 10 implying approx 1 win in 800 games. This parameter does not affect the displayed game at all, "P08 = Cube Speed" is a different parameter.
In practice, Stacker behaves as the following. For the sake of simplicity, let's imagine that all players are super skilled (they always press the stop button when the last block is correctly aligned), and that P10 = 8 (approx 1 win in 400 games). Instead of having all players win, only 1 over 400 will win. How to achieve this? Once could propose to throw a 400-side dice to decide if a game is a win, but the skill aspect of the game would be instantaneously lost. A more elegant way to do it is to define ''concretely winning states" as a subset of "appearantly winning states", like the following pseudo-code does:
if block is well aligned: if internal_timer_in nanoseconds % 400 == 0: proceed to winning else if stop_button was pressed before block_duration / 2: move displayed_block to previously_displayed_block else: move displayed_block to next_to_be_displayed_block proceed to losing
This is compatible with purported LAI's statement that Stacker is "100% a game of skill and although it is very difficult, every game played can be a winning game".
However, this theoretically skill game is in practice a luck game, so Stacker is practically a gambling machine. This great video comes to the same conclusion for another arcade game, Cyclone.
Psychologically, having the player close to winning but finally losing is part of the design of this arcade game. Stacker operator's manual describes the machine as a bright and attractive display, simple but exciting game play and a real “Ahh! Just missed” feeling. Indeed the player can see that he was very close, and the belief that the loss is due only to a very tiny amount of bad luck triggers the envy to replay with the confidence to be more accurate next time and win. In reality it can be said that the progressive feelings of self-esteem building with the initial successes, frustration while losing by a near-miss, and hope while deciding to replay, have been entirely engineered by the game designers. You see a game that you control, you live a game who controls you.
Let's conclude with LAI Games' motto: Fun and Profits Go Hand-in hand.
[1] Stacker is not commercialized anymore. It has been superceded by Mega stacker, with tips to buyers to improve its performance (i.e. revenue).
mercredi 11 avril 2018
Par taz le mercredi 11 avril 2018, 19:00 - Art
After the dark side of chocolate and the dark side of intelligence, here is the second part of The dark side of technology, aka Charlie Brooker's third season of the mini-series Black Mirror.
Best episodes are starred.
vendredi 21 avril 2017
Par taz le vendredi 21 avril 2017, 07:00 - Philo bistro
Is the grass greener on the other side?
Who knows?
mercredi 8 mars 2017
Par taz le mercredi 8 mars 2017, 19:00 - Minute confiture
The CIA Test
In one single word, what did the former US president John Fitzgerald Kennedy want to do to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)?
jeudi 18 février 2016
Par taz le jeudi 18 février 2016, 07:00 - Science
Playing mental poker is a difficult problem for a number of reasons. The foremost reason is that it is impossible, a result due to Shamir, Rivest and Adleman[1].
G.R. Blakley and D. Chaum
During Lift16, Ethereum / Consensys presented a number of very promising projects.
Almost all of these projects are based on a mysterious entity called the blockchain. More precisely, not the Bitcoin blockchain, but a private blockchain called the Ethereum blockchain.
Then was a gambling-related project: etherPoker.
etherPoker is advertised as a blockchain-connected provably fair online poker game. The underlying mechanism is based on mental poker, a term coined by RSA's creators, Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman.
Provably fair dice, a popular extension of online coin-flipping (bit commitment) works as such:
In poker, an algorithm for shuffling cards using commutative encryption would be as follows:
To play poker with bitcoins, the new Seals With Clubs poker site is: SWCpoker.
To play for fun, download PokerTH (Radjaïdjah Blog's alias: BluffBluff).
[1] A. Shamir, R. Rivest, and L. Adleman, Mental Poker, Technical Report LCS/TR-125, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 1979
mardi 9 février 2016
Par taz le mardi 9 février 2016, 07:00 - Art
This week will take place the Lift16 conference in Geneva (see also last years' entries: Lift15, Lift 14).
Selected sessions:
Blockchain Technology Beyond Bitcoin - From art to science, law, politics and innovation, what unexpected and disruptive opportunities does the blockchain technology open? Since its open-source release in 2009, the blockchain has expanded from a public ledger recording money transactions for Bitcoin into an accountability system with features for performance, anonymity, storage and smart contracts. What lies beyond the distributed and trusted protocol that runs the most used decentralized cryptocurrency in the world? This session will explore the realm of possibility for the blockchain, beyond Bitcoin.
Enter the Anti-Disciplinary Space - Our world is complex. How are we to tackle problems that only get harder? Complex questions require the know-how from different fields, cultures and perspectives. We need to collaborate and experiment in-between and beyond set boundaries until new ideas emerge. Putting designers, artists, technologists, and researchers together in a ‘free space’ is a great start. Though, we need people who do not fit in any box - strange animals if you will - who are able to change the way we look at things. Who are these adventurers who challenge our concepts of creation and what can we learn from them?
Selected breakouts:
Deep Dive into the Blockchain - During this two-hour hype-free workshop, experts will take you through the pros and cons of the blockchain, and demystify how this technology actually works, before digging into how smart contracts will eventually be enforced in the physical world. Keeping the techno-jargon to a minimum, Clement Epie and Stephan Tual will take you through the advantages of Blockchain over existing technologies, what could potentially be replaced by blockchains, its future prospects and market impact as well as which industries could be disrupted first. Following up will be Christoph and Simon Jentzsch going into how exactly the Blockchain functions, how to write smart contracts, as well as give you an overview of the various tools available today to build on top of Blockchain technology. We will keep a pragmatic approach, covering for example how you could use the Blockchain to directly rent your apartment or office space, without third parties. Finally we'll have an extensive Q&A exploring the pros and cons of this new technology, where it makes sense to use blockchain, where it doesn't, and touch on questions of standardisation, regulations and what could bring blockchain to the mainstream.
Sustainable By Design: implementing new performance metrics for innovative projects and enterprises? - How to reorient corporate activity and innovation towards sustainability? Can we natively measure financial performance together with environmental performance? What new, accessible and common indicators, accounting methods and tools, and reporting mechanisms can we design to help in that process? This workshop, co-designed by the Transitions2 network and the MIT Climate CoLab, invites participants who believe that environmental and economic performance should now be measured simultaneously and given a similar importance - and are interested in discussing how this could be achieved in real life. Its concrete outcome could be the launch of one of the Climate CoLab's "contests", harnessing the collective intelligence of thousands of people from all around the world to create, analyze, and select detailed proposals to make innovation "sustainable by design".
The Creative Power of IMPROV-Theatre! - IMPROV-Theatre is a fun way to boost your creativity by making full use of your body, voice, mind, soul and your emotions. IMPROV enables you to reach new levels of Out-of–the-Box ideas AND experiences by one simple rule: radical acceptance! There is no “NO”! EVERYTHING is allowed and expandable!. This workshop gives IMPROV-Newbies a chance to learn a whole set of practical techniques and exercises which provide for exciting and creative trips into a world of instantaneous new stories, amazing plots and pure playful joy. And also experienced IMPROV players might learn a few new tricks. Enjoy a fresh unobstructed view on multiple realities. Fun guaranteed!
Bringing Narrative into Science Education with Virtual Reality - Dive deep into the field of Science Storytelling with Neal Hartman and several participants of the Storytelling Science VR Hackathon, recently organized by CineGlobe in partnership with Festival Tous Ecrans and supported by the Lift. Behind all good communication, and therefore education, lies good storytelling; this workshop will show how this rule applies to science as well, and give examples of great science storytelling projects. Hear from participants of the VR Hackathon how they approached the challenge of bringing narrative into education of a scientific nature, and then brainstorm your own science-education narratives in groups guided by the creators. The workshop will also discuss some of the ins and outs of making VR projects for immersive headsets like the Oculus Rift.
See you there!
lundi 14 décembre 2015
Par taz le lundi 14 décembre 2015, 07:00 - Lol
In my next life I want to live my life backwards.
You start out dead and get that out of the way.
Then you wake up in an old people’s home feeling better every day. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, and then when you start work, you get a gold watch and a party on your first day.
You work for 40 years until you’re young enough to enjoy your retirement. You party, drink alcohol, and are generally promiscuous, then you are ready for high school.
You then go to primary school, you become a kid, you play. You have no responsibilities, you become a baby until you are born.
And then you spend your last 9 months floating in luxurious spa-like conditions with central heating and room service on tap, larger quarters every day and then Voila! You finish off as an orgasm!
(Woody Allen)
vendredi 28 août 2015
Par taz le vendredi 28 août 2015, 19:00 - Science
For those of you interested in Einstein's spooky action at distance / EPR paradox, or in device-independent quantum key distribution (QKD) / random number generation (QRNG), a paper published this week, Experimental loophole-free violation of a Bell inequality using entangled electron spins separated by 1.3 km might be of interest, as the authors state having performed a violation of a Bell inequality free from both detection and locality loopholes. See also the comment in Nature.
Addendum (December 2015): published paper (Nature) and Alain Aspect's viewpoint on the APS website.
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