A few references to help you with storytelling and slide design should you have a presentation to make.

Not extremely new but still good books: Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story (2003), by Jerry Weissman, and its sequel Winning strategies for power presentations : Jerry Weissman delivers lessons from the world's best presenters (2013) introduce among other ideas the concept of WIIFY (What's In It For You).

TED talk: 10 tips for better slide decks, aka "10 tips on how to make slides that communicate your idea":

Big picture:

  1. Think about your slides last. - Too often, I see slide decks that feel more like presenter notes, but I think it’s far more effective when the slides are for the audience to give them a visual experience that adds to the words.
  2. Create a consistent look and feel.
  3. Think about topic transitions.
  4. With text, less is almost always more.
  5. Use photos that enhance meaning.

And now some tactical tips…

  1. Go easy on the effects and transitions. .
  2. Use masking to direct attention in images.
  3. Try panning large images.
  4. For video, don’t use autoplay.'
  5. Reproduce simple charts and graphs.

and the end: a couple book recommendations. The first is Resonate, by Nancy Duarte. It’s not so much about slides, but about public speaking in general – which is the foundation for any presentation, regardless of how great your slides are. In it, she breaks down the anatomy of what makes a great presentation, how to establish a central message and structure your talk, and more. (One of her case studies comes from Benjamin Zander’s charming TED Talk about classical music, a talk that captivated the audience from start to finish.) Think of this as prerequisite reading for [a] second recommendation, also by Duarte: Slide:ology. This is more focused on presentation visuals and slides.

Slideshare presentation: 8 tips for an awesome powerpoint presentation

  1. F-ck normality, don't use templates, create your own design, let your creativity flow..
  2. Colors are nice, play with colors, fond your like, contrast is your friend.
  3. Use good fonts.
  4. Text is evil, let your slides breathe.
  5. Images say more than a thousand words.
  6. BIg is beautiful, think Big, think Bold, think Bam. View every slide as an ad.
  7. Infographics are amazing.
  8. Get inspired.